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  • You can buy Cheap Maple story M Mesos from MMOGO and get Fast trade in Trade Station,please go to: https://www.mmogo.com/Maplestory-m/Mesos.html MapleStory 2 provided a moderate quantity of customization, but not so much you are going to end up spending hours on creating a character. The majority of the in-depth customization options revolved around facial features and hairstyles. So everyone will wind up with an chibi body, nothing along the lines of height or body sliders. Not that it matters to get a overload match. I discovered I can fully re-customize my character in the fashion district in terms of skin color, hairstyle clothes, and plastic surgery. When I had to guess, a makeover will eat a money store ticket of some sort.Where the ground textures and buildings consist of blocks nexon decided to go with a 3D Minecraft or Cube World look. Other stuff like trees, fences, NPC's, monsters, figures, and stuff aren't so blocky. The planet is not one seamless Earth, but it does link from zone to zone in forms of medium. The game also provided instanced raid dungeons, Though I didn't have a chance to test. I didn't encounter some areas where I could add my personalize content into the entire world. I really hope they add some regions where players can customize their own maps or zones such as areas that are guild. The camera direction also seems to be fixed and can't be rotated.The playable jobs during the alpha test has been Wizard, and Priest, Knight Ranger. The playable courses should be available in the future evaluations along advance jobs. I ended up enjoying the Priest and Knight . At a universe of utopia there are wicked monsters that spawn on various areas! Players must combine and zerg all of them down like there is no tomorrow! Even boss gamers overkill it that it rises again and should bash Maple story M Mesos down. On a more critical note, this game's planet bosses is a lot of fun! Because you can mount onto it flies through the skies putting waste to your allies beneath the Griffon boss battle is my favorite. Best online shop to buy cheap Maplestory M Mesos for all servers on MMOGO.COM
  • 1/6/19 at 1:00 AM -
    4/25/19 at 1:00 AM
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    MaplestoryM Mesos,Maplestory 2 Mesos, Maplestory 2 Items Map
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MMOGO is working for supply full stock Maplestory M Mesos
