Most people would like to boost their brain power. It is reckoned that most of us only use perhaps 25% of the power of our brains. That piece of equipment contained within our skulls is more complex than the most complex computer. The following seven steps can go some way to boosting the power of your brain. Amazin Brain Why do we think of Brain Booster pills munchies only during exams when we actually need the same benefits as writers? Topping the list are coffee and chocolates (the cocoa-rich dark ones). Amazin Brain Recent studies, however, have also revealed the importance of fatty acids (omega 3) in brain health. This healthy fat is found in salmon, blue berries, beans, flax seeds and walnuts. It seems the idea that "the food that Amazin Brain looks like the part of the body is actually good for that part of the body" may just be true for walnuts. And certainly, a not-to-be-forgotten fact is: the human brain is 80 percent water. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to occasionally swap your coffee with H20 -drinking at least eight glasses, ideally.