Hey! For some time, I have made my gym at home. I did it because I was tired of paying too much for a gym membership since I could do my gym at home. I browsed a lot on the internet to get inspiration for setting up a mini gym. I bought all the necessary equipment and set up my little room in a cute style for a mini gym. I feel much more comfortable and motivated to do sports at home than in the gym. And even the results are much more visible. I will attach a picture of my little gym below. I hope you enjoy it.
I don't think that's what they meant. In a simple sentence, "if you need a new stroller, then you're welcome to top mom," so it can just be if you are having a baby or if you're getting a friend or a relative a stroller for whatever reason. That's just it. You should even check the best strollers for city living if you're getting one. Strollers these days are modernized and stylish. That's why some moms get picky about buying one.
This post was edited by ted buteda at August 10, 2022 9:08 PM EDTOh, you need help.
Are any of my fellow xrp brothers and sisters buying any silver?
I was fortunate enough to discover xrp back in 2014, and was really impressed about its potential and prospects. And still love it going forward.
I have the same feeling about silver's future. It's been manipulated for years, and now there is a good possibility for a huge swing to the upside and the downside is limited IMO.
I am certainly not arguing for selling any xrp (it's my biggest holding by far and I have no other crypto holdings except the spark tokens that we are to receive).
Not giving investment advice here (do your own DD), but not a bad idea IMO to pick up some physical silver to preserve wealth as all governments cannot stop printing money (and they won't stop, and in fact will print - create out of thin air - even more until these fiat currencies are inflated away, and every fiat currency in history has ended up at zero). There will be a silver squeeze in the not too distant future IMO, and I could see prices as high as $250 to $500 an ounce. Take a look at palladium which was has gone up 6x. Buy physical silver, or if an ETF, only buy PSLV (not SLV or the other silver ETFs). Just an idea for diversification, protection and a possible big score.
Thank you for sharing