One of the more significant benefits of buying a home with an FHA loan in today's real estate market is the incredibly low prices for which many homes are now selling. It isn't hard to find houses in the Phoenix metro and other areas of Arizona that were previously selling for $400,000 - $500,000, now priced at $300,000 and under. With homes prices being offered at such low costs, it could potentially be more expensive to rent than to How to Sell a House Privately in Canada buy.
Renting may seem like the only viable choice you have when it comes to your living arrangements, but that might not be your sole option anymore. With homes priced so low in Arizona's current real estate market, the dream of buying your own home could come true more quickly than you realize. Buying your own home can help you build equity, increase your credit score, and acquire better financial standing overall. Renting does not allow you to build any type of equity to your name and may do substantially less to help your credit score and financial standing than buying can. Banks and other financial officials often view homeowners as being more financially stable and responsible than those who rent and have never owned their own property. If you want to be recognized by your potential lenders as a responsible and stable person, worthy to be offered other loans and incentives for the things you need, you should consider buying now while the real estate market continues to favor new buyers.
Rental payments are usually more expensive than regular mortgage payments unless you sacrifice quality for quantity. For example, in today's market you may be able to find a beautiful, four-bedroom, three-bath home to buy that, on average, may require $1,000 rent each month for the mortgage. In order to only pay $1,000 per month for a rental property however, you would likely have to sacrifice one or more of the bedrooms, as well as one of the bathrooms in the home. Renting a four-bedroom, three-bath home, would likely increase your payments to $1,500 per month. When you pay rent, you pay the mortgage and accumulating interest, just as you would a home you bought yourself.
The government's efforts to stem the tide of foreclosure and encourage alternate dispute resolutions have been feckless and dissipated Buy houses for cash Scottsdale Arizona . Most people being foreclosed have not discharged their legal obligation to defend themselves. Instead, many if not most foreclosure cases go to summary judgment uncontested. The resulting assault upon American homeownership has been systemic and overwhelming.