How to help kittens?

    • 10 posts
    February 7, 2023 4:32 AM EST

    I have a mom cat and her four kittens. They are almost a year old and haven't weaned off their mom. The kittens are still bothering the cat. I've already tried to separate them, but keeping them locked up from each other is hard too, and it certainly doesn't help. How can I help the kittens separate from their mom?

    • 9 posts
    February 7, 2023 7:59 AM EST

    There are several reasons why kittens won't leave a cat alone. And depending on what that reason is, you need to look for a solution. But as they are one year old, the reason is most likely that the kittens are very active and they need to play a lot. Because they get bored and start to annoy the cat. It is also worth seeing how the mom cat reacts to the kittens. If she is calm, then maybe there is no problem. But if the mother cat is anxious and aggressive, then you definitely need to do something about it. I recently found an article about this I think the article has a better description of what can be done than I'm suggesting.

    • 10 posts
    February 7, 2023 9:08 AM EST

    My parents have 5 cats - one old female, two old males, and 2 female kittens. The kittens are also almost a year old and they hardly ever leave their mom cat. I'm no expert on cat behavior, but my parents just let the cats do whatever they want. Only if the cats start fighting do my parents separate them. I think maybe you just need to wait a while longer and the kittens will decide to separate from their mom.