Possessing or using marijuana is punishable by up to Madden NFL 18 Coins one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Griz general manager Chris Wallace said he is aware of the charge but the team will withhold judgment.It was a rough 24 hours for Selby back then. On Oct. 6, just after midnight, Selby also received a ticket for a moving violation described as "failure to obey properly placed traffic control device instructions."Selby has appeared in four games for the Grizzlies this season, playing 59 minutes and scoring 18 points.Kyle Lowry Charged With Battery Of Female Referee This season, Rockets guard Kyle Lowry has developed into one of the better point guards in the NBA. But now Lowry is facing legal trouble from an incident at a September charity basketball game in Las Vegas.Lowry has been charged with misdemeanor battery for throwing a basketball at a female referee after the game. If convicted, Lowry could spend up to six months in Madden Mobile Coins jail or pay a $1,000 fine.Related: Kyle Lowry and the New Slow-Developing Point Guard ArchetypeMyFoxHouston.com has the details:The declaration of warrant/summons said, "At the end of the game, Lowry approached the victim and threw a basketball at her striking her in her torso. The victim picked up the maddenvip basketball and tossed it back at Lowry. Lowry became upset and stated, 'B, meet me outside. I will kick you’re a'." The warrant goes on to allege that after Lowry walked away,