Before the procedure, local anesthesia is used, which minimizes discomfort. Immediately after the procedure, a crusty area remains on the skin, which disappears after 7-10 days.
The method of radio wave surgery has established itself as having no side effects.
You can discuss contraindications at a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist.
A mole, birthmark, or nevus is a benign mass consisting of nevus cells and embedded in the connective tissue of the skin called dermis, even during fetal development. Nevus cells are nevocyte cells, the content of the natural pigment melanin in which exceeds the normal concentration.
The appearance, size and color of moles are very diverse. Education can be a small point not exceeding the size of a couple of millimeters, or a huge spot covering a significant area of the body. Be a little darker than the skin and reach the color to almost black. The mole looks like a small spot that does not protrude above the surface of the skin, like a hemisphere, or as a rounded formation on the leg easily mistaken for a wart.
Most often, except for aesthetic defects, moles do not cause inconvenience to humans.
Pigmented areas of the skin can be a serious cosmetic problem and even a health hazard if they are in open areas of the face and body or are prone to injury. Therefore, the removal of moles (nevus) is one of the most common procedures in aesthetic medicine, the purpose of which is not only to eliminate visual imperfection, but also to reduce the risk to health.
Laser method. It can be used for nevi located on the face or body. Its advantages are high performance, as well as disinfection of the wound surface and coagulation of blood vessels, which minimize the risk of infectious complications and the likelihood of bleeding. The removal of moles by this method is based on the ability of the pigment melanin and its derivatives to conduct and accumulate light energy coming in the form of a laser pulse. Moreover, in pigmented areas, the temperature rises for a short time, which leads to the destruction of cells containing melanocytes. Laser removal of moles is carried out mainly in those cases when they are located on the face, neck, armpits and other open or potentially injured areas.
Surgical excision. Removing moles through surgery is a classic method. Its advantage is the ability to eliminate the formation of large sizes, which rise significantly above the skin, and save the resulting tissue for subsequent histological and cytological studies. The last point is especially relevant, since moles can imitate malignant regenerated skin cells, which requires additional treatment. Surgical removal of moles is also used if other methods of correction are contraindicated to the patient.
Cryodestruction. During this procedure, liquid nitrogen is used, which acts on an unwanted mole with extremely low temperatures. Short-term, but strong cooling of the skin area causes cell death, followed by their renewal. This method is mainly used to remove moles that do not rise above the skin and are located in closed areas of the face and body.
Electrocoagulation This correction method involves the thermal effect on the problem area using a constant or high-frequency electric current. In most cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The advantages of this method are reduced risk of infection, quick intervention and a short rehabilitation period.
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