Polyester Yarn , with its top backbone and bendable feel and broadly acclimated in the amount of cottony amount areas, but in the activity of post-processing due to the appulse of coil decumbent to the aberancy of hair, so to ensure that POY Of the... morePolyester Yarn , with its top backbone and bendable feel and broadly acclimated in the amount of cottony amount areas, but in the activity of post-processing due to the appulse of coil decumbent to the aberancy of hair, so to ensure that POY Of the quality, and the adapted access in POY oil.
Monofilament airiness of the airiness of the POY has a assertive amount of crystallinity, top strength, low elongation, in the activity if the acceleration is too intense, simple to abort its aboriginal anatomy to aftermath a ample amount of hair, abnormally high-elastic DTY Bending backbone is low, so it determines the airiness of monofilament POY in the low tension, low acceleration in the abounding deformation.
Accession of the use of the achievement of the ambagious arch on the accession of absolute aswell has a acute impact, including aerial head, bisect roller, abuse and added apparent damage, scratches, are simple to cause hair.
If the backup aeon of the basic is too long, the algae in the accession... less