Loan Penetration by Banks destroys home ownership rates worldwide.
Countries that they have not yet exploited with their predatory banking enjoy much higher home ownership rates.
How can people afford the homes they live in so much when they are financially poor? Because the homes and land were not financialized. Long-term financialization has taken America from a country where 6 months of work could buy a nice home in cash to a country where it takes decades to finish buying a home for most people.
Housing Loan Penetration by Country
Descending Order:
50%+ Swe, Den
40-50%: Lux, NZ, Australia, Neth
30-40%: Ire, Belg, US, Spa, UK, Can, Fin
20-30%: Fra, Cyp, Au, Por, SK, Ger, Kuw, UER, Sing, Mal, Qat
10-20%: Est, Oman, Jap, Isr, Iraq, Mala, SA, Iran, Hun, HK, Ita, Pan, Slovenia
5-10%: Belarus, Afg, Lat, Cze, Slovak, Gre, Pal, Alg, Soma, Lith, Nep, Swaz, Malaw, Sud, Dji, Chad, Moro, Maur, Leb, Syr, Mauritius
*African countries are recent additions as banks penetrate
under 5% (many under 2%): all other countries
Home Ownership by Country
Many top countries by home ownership rate very low for mortgages.
What does this mean ? A lot of things. Rising home values = inflation occurs
when houses are owned by banks, not by people. This is seen in a graphic in
the first link (the first chart) which shows Mortgage Depth and Loan Origination
run hand-in-hand. Where the banks own houses, the banks drive prices upward.
Where the banks do not own houses, and do not loan, people own houses and
prices are naturally static or depend on other non-financialized factors.
It's not even your own house, in most of the country, you don't own alloidal deed.
I realize this statement gets into the weeds of legality, and there's a big difference between owning a home
in an Unincorporated "community" or a sovereign City/Town, however.. the Federal government surely does ACT like it owns us
and all the land. That is, those who own the Federal Government direct it to act in said manner.
I don't quite agree with you. According to the statistics I've seen, it's just the opposite. People's demand for construction and real estate investments has gone up, even despite the epidemic. Even bank intervention in this area and rising inflation have not been able to stop people from investing. If there were no demand, there would be no supply. And so, the supply took on a cosmic scale. Hundreds of companies opened up offering their services in real estate construction. For example, specializes in house planning. With the help of these guys, my friend built his house just six months ago. I think that speaks volumes.