I was in a moment year of my course and I remained in pg unexpectedly I got call from my companion saurav from mussoorie that tomorrow we are going to tehri for some work and later that we will visit tehri dam .following day in the first part of the day 5 am sharp he was there sitting tight for me he came al along from mussoorie to pic me and afterward we return to mussoorie and began our excursion to tehri we took short roots to keep away from traffic and when we came to suavakholi a spot between mussoorie a dhanaulti it was very much like paradise every one of the mists where contacting those rich green mountain we were totally in lap of nature we took a few pictures and afterward pushed ahead at 1 pm were in tehri it tooks two hours to saurav to finish his work on those administration workplaces then we moved towards tehri jheel (dam) it tooks around 1 hour to go to the dam region from tehri and at 4 pm we were going back towards home and I surmise we have crossed chambaa it would be 20 km _upwards from chambaa we confronted a difficult issue "cut" on the rear wheel of the bicycle it would be around 8:30 pm nobody is their in that wilderness from whom we can request help their was finished murkiness around there and there were no signs on telephones so we can call somebody for help then out of nowhere I set off there was an eatery behind 5km . we were sitting tight for the vehicles yet there was nobody around then I told Saurav to ride the bicycle and we should return downwards towards Chamba he let me know that only one individual can ride on so I let him know u simply ride it and put your entire squeeze on the first tire then he began moving towards Chamba. Also I was running behind him at times he goes to a long way from me yet some way or another I figured out how to coordinate my speed with bicycle and when we showed up that restraunt their was nobody it was shut now we don't have any choice acknowledge running from that wilderness roadway I told saurav drive as quick as possible to reach chamba I gave my sack to him and began running towards chamba it was my first experience when I run around 20 km in 1 hours downwards in the total dimness I was terrified yet some how I was partaking in that development too on the grounds that on certain focuses I was isolated for 10 minutes and those were truly startling experience for me yet it was amusing to confront that that evening and that since quite a while ago run shows me something new don't scared of circumstance simply face them and I didn't stoped my slacks untill I entered in chamba and afterward we took a room in a lodging and investigated the roads of chamba and clearly liquor excessively later that long dread and frightening run we began our beverages and discussing that cut how the screw it was occurred? We are still in suspense how that cut occurred … So the result of this experience is I conquered my dread and delighted in it